has been acquired by Kevin Caruso and! will be an extensive non-profit project that will assist Hurricane Katrina survivors in every way possible, both online and offline; will honor those who died because of Katrina; and will educate the public about Katrina.
Most of all, we will fight like hell to improve the treatment of Hurricane Katrina survivors. Our federal government STILL is doing nothing to help them!
(See press release and additional commentary below!)
To all of the survivors of Hurricane Katrina – God bless you. I love you. And I will never stop fighting for you.
You are my heroes!
Hurricane is a work in progress. Please check back soon as we continue to expand the site, integrate our other Katrina sites, build our contacts, and step up our fight for the survivors.
We are just getting started.
Thank you for your patience!
Hurricane Katrina: Another Wakeup Call to our Federal Government
by Kevin Caruso
Those who died because of Hurricane Katrina are angels.
Those who survived Hurricane Katrina are heroes.
The United States federal government has miserably failed all of the angels and heroes of Hurricane Katrina.
Too many people died or suffered because our government could not even grasp the gravity of the disaster until several days after Katrina made landfall.
Words such as “disgraceful,” “incompetent,” “unbelievable,” “outrageous,” and “inexcusable” do not even begin to describe the saliently inadequate response by the U.S. government.
And the U.S. government is STILL not helping the survivors.
Much of the federal “aid” money is being funneled into inflated, no-bid contracts that are given to politically-connected companies involved in the recovery effort.
Where in the hell is the money for the survivors who lost everything?
Many people lost their houses, their possessions, their jobs, and their loved ones. What is being done for them?
Answer: Nothing!
Why is the government STILL dragging its feet on helping these heroes?
And why isn’t there a federal response to the mental-health crisis that survivors are confronted with?
The survivors of Hurricane Katrina have essentially been abandoned since Katrina made landfall on August 29, 2005.
We demand answers.
We demand accountability.
We demand action.
WE DEMAND ACTION NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the press release:
Kevin Caruso and Acquire
SAN DIEGO, Calif. – Kevin Caruso and have acquired one of the most important disaster domain names ever registered –
“We finally brought home to And that is where this powerful domain belongs,” said Kevin Caruso, the founder and director of
Five prominent Hurricane Katrina domains, including and, were donated to Kevin Caruso and shortly after the hurricane made landfall in August of 2005; the previous owner of the domains was served with an injunction and lawsuit by the attorney general of Florida because of alleged fraudulent use of the domains. was established as a website, and URL forwards were placed on the other four domains. The domains had strong type-in value unto themselves, and the controversy concerning the usage of the five domains by the previous owner added more traffic. Caruso also worked diligently to get the word out about the site. Ultimately, traffic from all sources allowed Caruso to raise a substantial amount of money for Hurricane Katrina relief, and, most importantly, to help Katrina survivors. is still online and is still used to assist survivors.
Caruso has worked diligently from the day that Katrina made landfall to assist Katrina survivors, both online and offline, and these five domains provided an important vehicle to disseminate and exchange information as well as coordinate various efforts to help the survivors.
“We will continue working diligently to help survivors with the use of," said Caruso. "And I am particularly concerned that the suicide rate has risen dramatically for people in affected areas post-Katrina, so suicide prevention needs to be a priority.” .
Hurricane was founded by Kevin Caruso and as a permanent site to forever help and fight for ALL Hurricane Katrina survivors, to honor those angels who died because of Hurricane Katrina, and to educate the public about Hurricane Katrina.
Five prominent Hurricane Katrina domains were donated to Kevin Caruso and Project shortly after Hurricane Katrina hit: Katrina, Katrina, Katrina, Katrina Relif, and Katrina
On September 2, 2005, Katrina was launched as a large Project "help" site to assist Hurricane Katrina survivors, and URL forwards were placed on the other four domains. At a later juncture, Hurricane was acquired, which allowed Project to expand the scope of its assistance work with survivors; and URL forwards were placed on the other 5 domains to Hurricane
So, Hurricane contains a wealth of resources, pictures, news, information, and historical data which have been collected from the day that Hurricane Katrina made landfall; and we continue to update Hurricane frequently; so please return often and tell your friends.
Some of the links and resources will be maintained for historical purposes, and all sections are so indicated; but please peruse as many pages as possible if you are looking for help, or if you want to gain perspective on the scope of Hurricane Katrina.
You will find just about anything that you ever wanted to know about Hurricane Katrina right here at Hurricane!
And please be sure to peruse the news stories and view the pictures to learn even more about Hurricane Katrina.
And please remember that our work has just begun to assist and fight for our hero Hurricane Katrina survivors, because, as you probably know, Hurricane Katrina was the most destructive hurricane to ever hit the U.S.; and was one of the deadliest. And Hurricane Katrina survivors thus have a lifelong challenge of coping with their severe losses and emotional pain.
Hurricane Katrina first made landfall on August 25, 2005, when it hit southern Florida as a catgory 1 hurricane; Hurricane Katrina then entered the Gulf of Mexico, dramatically intensified, and became a category 5 hurricane by August 28th.
Hurricane Katrina made landfall again on August 29, 2005, hitting just east of New Orleans (near the Louisiana -- Mississippi border) as a strong category 3 hurricane, pounding the Gulf Coast relentlessly and quickly breaching the levee system in New Orleans, which caused extensive, devastating flooding.

80% of New Orleans was flooded
in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
Some 1800 people from at least 5 states were killed; about 200,000 homes -- and all of the possessions in them -- were destroyed; 350,000 cars were damaged beyond repair; over 1 million people were displaced; and over $100 billion in damage was sustained.
Greatly exacerbating the catastrophe was an inexcusably slow and inadequate response to the disaster by federal, state, and local government officials.
Innumerable people were stranded in New Orleans, with very few resources, and many key leaders were the last people to know that the levee system had been breached.
And bureaucratic red tape caused even more problems, with strict, non-sensical procedural regulations slowing or stopping some BASIC movement of aid.
Where was the sense of urgency, the deep concern, the good communication, and the common sense?
Answer: They could not be found!
And the resultant morass was highly consequential, as countless people suffered, and some died, because of this disgraceful response.
Hurricane will continue to demand accountablilty from EVERYONE who did not respond as they should have in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
And Hurricane will always fight for the survivors -- forever. When the children who survived Hurricane Katrina grow up, Hurricane will be here, still fighting, still caring, still honoring those who died, and still demanding action -- and accountability.

The pain from Hurricane Katrina will last a lifetime
To all survivors: I love you more that you can imagine. You are ALL my heroes; and I have the greatest level of respect and admiration for you.
I am deeply honored to know many of you.
And I look forward to meeting more of you.
I will fight for ALL you for the rest of my life.
God bless you all.
To all visitors: Hurricane is updated frequently and is a PERMANENT, non-profit site and project that is run in by Project Please return often, tell your friends about Hurricane, link to the site, and please keep the survivors of Hurricane Katrina in your thoughts and prayers.
I love you all,
Kevin Caruso
Founder, Executive Director, Editor-in-Chief
(Hurricane is a website.)
Note: The section below is a part of the original home page from Katrina, which is being maintained as part of the historic record of Hurricane
Important Notice – Please Read
[Five prominent Hurricane Katrina domains were donated to Kevin Caruso and shortly after Hurricane Katrina made landfall (Katrina, Katrina, Katrina, Katrina Relif, and Katrina by an individual from Florida who was was served with an injunction and lawsuit by the attorney general of Florida for alleged fraudulent use of the domains. Katrina was used to establish a large "help" website for survivors and URL forwards were placed on the other four domains. I was interviewed several times by the press because of this and received innumerable e-mails and inquiries. Please DO NOT send any more e-mails conerning this, as I now consider this matter closed. Let us keep our focus on helping the survivors for the long term, honoring those who died, and educating the public about Hurricane Katrina. Thank you, Kevin Caruso. The following is from the old home page of Katrina]
This is the NEW site at this domain. The domain "Katrina" was donated to Kevin Caruso and by a gentleman who lives in Florida, who is under investigation by the Attorney General of Florida for the OLD site that HE put on this domain when he owned it.
The old site is offline permanently. THAT is the site that the attorney general of Florida is investigating for fraud.
This site was launched on September 2, 2005.
There have been several stories in the news about the OLD site, but again, that site is offline permanently and the domain “Katrina” is now under the control of Kevin Caruso and -- and this site has nothing to do with the old site.
THIS site was launched to assist the Hurricane Katrina survivors, honor those who died, and educate the public about the disaster. All of the content was written by Kevin Caruso, who is the executive director of
THIS site will be here forever...helping the survivors, supporting the survivors, and fighting for the survivors.
Kevin Caruso
Founder, Executive Director, Editor-in-Chief
(Hurricane is a website.)
Katrina was launched to help Hurricane Katrina survivors and to educate the public about the disaster.
If you have been affected in any way by Hurricane Katrina, God bless you.
We love you.
We support you.
And we deeply care about you and your loved ones.
You will find resources for immediate help on Katrina
On the right of every page of this site, you will see a link that reads "Hurricane Katrina Phone Hotlines." Whether you think you need to call a hotline or not, please click the link and become familiar with the hotlines that are available to you. The list includes a 24 hour crisis line. Do not hesitate to call the 24 hour crisis line if you have been affected by Hurricane Katrina and you feel overwhelmed, depressed, are grieving, or just need someone to talk to about what you are going through. People care about you and will help you.
For your convenience, I have also placed the "Hurricane Katrina Phone Hotlines" link below:
Hurricane Katrina Phone Hotlines
And if you are trying to locate a missing person, or were in the disaster and want to report yourself as "safe," please click the third item down on the menu to the left -- "Missing People." There you will find a list of the largest, safest, and most reliable "Missing People" resources.
For your convenience, I have also placed the "Missing People" link below:
Hurricane Katrina Missing People
For those visiting the site who have the capacity to donate to help the survivors of Hurricane Katrina, please donate as soon as possible.
People need help NOW.
And remember that no donation is too small.
One of the best charities to donate to is the Red Cross.
You can donate NOW by calling:
1-800-HELP-NOW (1-800-435-7669)
Or you can donate at their website:
Below are many more great charities that you can also consider. You can call the toll free numbers, or click on the links to donate on their websites:
(Please make sure that you research these charities before donating.)
Hurricane Katrina Charities
ASPCA -- (866) 275-3923
After you donate, please visit the rest of the site by clicking the navigation links to the left.
Thank you for visiting and for helping the hurricane survivors.
God bless you.
We love you.
Take care of yourself,
Kevin Caruso
Founder, Executive Director, Editor-in-Chief
(Hurricane is a website.)